Communicating Cuba to Build Bridges

Communicating Cuba to Build Bridges

01/06/2016 2 Di Redazione

Que­sto arti­co­lo è sta­to let­to 8210 vol­te!

cubaCommunicating Cuba to Build Bridges


The OnCu­ba media plat­form cele­bra­tes its 4th Anni­ver­sa­ry with a two day pre­sen­ta­tion of their com­mu­ni­ca­tions media plat­form and work­shop enti­tled “Com­mu­ni­ca­ting Cuba to build brid­ges.”  

Event will be held on Satur­day, June 4th at Histo­ry Mia­mi

MIAMIMay 31, 2016 /PR­New­swi­re-HISPA­NIC PR WIRE/ — OnCu­ba cele­bra­tes its 4th Anni­ver­sa­ry with a two day pre­sen­ta­tion of their com­mu­ni­ca­tions media plat­form and work­shop enti­tled “Com­mu­ni­ca­ting Cuba to build brid­ges.” The OnCu­ba and Art OnCu­ba exe­cu­ti­ve team will bring toge­ther jour­na­lists, wri­ters, artists, edi­tors and edu­ca­tors and com­mu­ni­ty lea­ders who­se acti­vi­ties are rela­ted to the pro­mo­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of the Cuban iden­ti­ty from both sides of the Flo­ri­da strai­ts.

Work­shop Objec­ti­ves:

  • OnCu­ba will pre­sent its expe­rien­ce as a plat­form that for four years now has been pro­mo­ting dia­lo­gue bet­ween all Cubans, who live in and outsi­de of the island.
  • Iden­ti­fy areas of work in the pro­mo­tion of our cul­tu­re and our values in which may be bene­fit the streng­ths of both sides.
  • To pro­mo­te a bank of ideas for poten­tial com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­jec­ts in a broa­der sen­se, which can be mana­ged by OnCu­ba in coo­pe­ra­tion with pro­fes­sio­nals and artists from Cuba and the dia­spo­ra.

“It will be impor­tant to pre­sent the resul­ts of work we have achie­ved over the­se four years spa­ce. It will also be oppor­tu­ne to esta­blish new rela­tion­ships with jour­na­lists, wri­ters, artists, who live on the other side but do not stop fee­ling for Cuba.” -Mile­na, OnCu­ba digi­tal maga­zi­ne, Edi­tor

About OnCu­ba

Foun­ded by Day­ri Blan­co and  Cuban Ame­ri­can busi­ness­man and acti­vi­st Hugo Can­cio 2013, OnCu­ba media plat­form is a com­mu­ni­ca­tio­nal brid­ge that has ser­ved to con­nect Cubans in Cuba with the Cuban dia­spo­ra. OnCu­ba ( and ART OnCu­ba, the fir­st Cuba-focu­sed mon­thly and quar­ter­ly bilin­gual maga­zi­ne publi­ca­tion with natio­nal distri­bu­tion in the U.S. Both maga­zi­nes are publi­shed in hard copies and elec­tro­nic for­ma­ts and is distri­bu­ted in select Bar­nes & Noble sto­res throu­ghout the Uni­ted Sta­tes. They are also distri­bu­ted in Cuba and OnCu­ba the offi­cial and exclu­si­ve “in-flight” maga­zi­ne for almo­st all flights from the U.S. to Cuba.It offers news, reports never befo­re seen sto­ries, inter­pre­ts the fac­ts, give opi­nions and reflect on the chan­ges in Cuba beco­ming the most wide­ly read  plat­form on Cuba in the US, with over 26,000 dai­ly visit. It recen­tly announ­ced its newe­st tra­vel brand OnCu­ba Tra­vel.

It has deve­lo­ped an exten­si­ve jour­na­li­stic com­mu­ni­ty made in Cuba, by Cubans, with more than 200 col­la­bo­ra­tors and free­lan­cers insi­de and outsi­de of Cuba. It’s edi­to­rial poli­cy covers a broad spec­trum of Cuban rea­li­ty that is led by a highly qua­li­fied edi­to­rial team for each of its publi­ca­tions, who desi­gns, pro­du­ce and uni­que­ly con­nec­ts their brands and pro­duc­ts with exclu­si­ve con­tent for their audien­ce.

Quick Fac­ts

  • OnCu­ba was foun­ded Day­ri Blan­co and busi­ness­man and acti­vi­st Hugo Can­cio who has beco­me a signi­fi­cant inter­na­tio­nal press and visi­bi­li­ty gene­ra­ted by the glo­bal repu­ta­tion as a pre­e­mi­nent advi­sor on U.S.-Cuban rela­tions and inter­me­dia­ry sought after by Ame­ri­can inve­stors, poli­ti­cians, and cele­bri­ties who are going to Cuba.
  • For the fir­st time in OnCuba’s histo­ry the enti­re exe­cu­ti­ve team will be tra­ve­ling toge­ther to the Uni­ted Sta­tes.
  • The OnCu­ba plat­form (OnCu­ba, Art OnCu­ba, OnCu­ba Real Esta­te, OnCu­ba Tra­vel) is a sub­si­dia­ry of Fue­go Enter­pri­ses (FUGO), an Ame­ri­can com­pa­ny  hea­d­quar­te­red in Mia­mi, FL with a Per­ma­nent new bureau in Havana,Cuba.
  • OnCu­ba & Art Oncu­ba is a quar­ter­ly bilin­gual maga­zi­ne publi­ca­tion with natio­nal distri­bu­tion in the U.S.
  • OnCu­ba Maga­zine & Art OnCu­ba employees 20 per­ma­nent staff mem­bers at its OnCu­ba offi­ce in Hava­na with over 200 con­tri­bu­tors and free­lan­cers on and off the island.
  • OnCu­ba Tra­vel, offers gui­ded US-Cuba tra­vel pro­grams that are com­pliant with both U.S. and Cuban govern­ment regu­la­tions.
  • OnCu­ba Real Esta­te, is the fir­st maga­zi­ne spe­cia­li­zing in the islan­d’s emer­ging Real Esta­te.

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