Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Bob Chapek Unveils Details on Spectacular Disney Parks Experiences

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Bob Chapek Unveils Details on Spectacular Disney Parks Experiences

12/02/2018 0 Di Redazione

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The Walt Disney Com­pa­ny (PRNewsfoto/The Walt Disney Com­pa­ny)

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Bob Chapek Unveils Details on Spectacular Disney Parks Experiences

Cele­bra­ted sto­ries are coming to life – from a new Mar­vel-the­med attrac­tion set for Disney­land Paris, to Star Wars and Pixar encoun­ters around the world

TOKYO, Feb. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Today at D23 Expo Japan 2018, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chair­man Bob Cha­pek shared exci­ting new details about the many ambi­tious pro­jec­ts under­way around the world, from rei­ma­gi­ned favo­ri­tes to enti­re­ly new ways that guests can encoun­ter Super Heroes, Jedi, clas­sic cha­rac­ters and life-long Pixar pals.

Buil­ding on the tre­men­dous exci­te­ment from D23 Expo in Ana­heim last July, Cha­pek wel­co­med more than 2000 fans to learn more about some of the most anti­ci­pa­ted pro­jec­ts in deve­lo­p­ment for guests all over the world. D23 Expo Japan guests were the fir­st to hear that the Mar­vel Super Hero Uni­ver­se will come to Disney­land Paris. Guests were also trea­ted to a sneak peek at Star Wars: Gala­xy’s Edge, Toy Sto­ry Land at Walt Disney World Resort and Shan­ghai Disney Resort, and more.

“We are hard at work crea­ting even more ways to expe­rien­ce Disney magic at our parks and resorts around the world,” said Bob Cha­pek, Chair­man, Walt Disney Parksand Resorts.  “And with our incre­di­ble libra­ry of belo­ved sto­ries and cha­rac­ters, we know exci­ting adven­tu­res and magi­cal memo­ries are in sto­re for all our guests.”

Lar­ger Than Life Super Heroes
Fol­lo­wing the news that Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is pre­pa­ring to incor­po­ra­te popu­lar sto­ries and cha­rac­ters into Disney­land Paris, Cha­pek shared that the Mar­vel Super Hero uni­ver­se will come to Walt Disney Stu­dios Park, and Rock ‘n’ Rol­ler Coa­ster will be total­ly rei­ma­gi­ned as a high-speed, hyper-kine­tic adven­tu­re whe­re guests will team up with Iron Man and their favo­ri­te Aven­gers.

Fans also got a peek into one of the rooms that will open at Disney’s Hotel New York – The Art of Mar­vel in 2020. And for tho­se guests who just can’t wait to encoun­ter Mar­vel at Disney­land Paris, star­ting this June, Mar­vel Sum­mer of Super Heroes will bring guests face-to-face with Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca, Spi­der-Man, Star-Lord and Black Widow.

Super Heroes have alrea­dy descen­ded on Hong Kong Disney­land with Iron Man Expe­rien­ce, the most popu­lar attrac­tion at the resort, and more is soon to come with an enti­re Mar­vel-the­med area under­way. Today, Cha­pek shared new details about the second new Mar­vel attrac­tion set for Hong Kong Disney­land, whe­re guests will be invi­ted to team up with Ant-Man and The Wasp to fight Arnim Zolaand his army of Hydra swarm bots in a thril­ling new adven­tu­re.

Buzz is also buil­ding around Star-Lord and his fel­low Guar­dians of the Gala­xycoming to Epcot, whe­re the real beco­mes fan­ta­stic and the fan­ta­stic beco­mes real. This one-of-a-kind fami­ly attrac­tion will fea­tu­re a brand-new, inno­va­ti­ve ride system – and will be one of the lon­ge­st enclo­sed rol­ler coa­sters in the world!

Star Wars Comes to Life
After a ground­brea­king Star Wars-the­med hotel con­cept was announ­ced last year, fans have been eager to hear more. It will com­bi­ne a luxu­ry resort with com­ple­te immer­sion into an authen­tic Star Wars sto­ry at Walt Disney World Resort. From the moment guests arri­ve, their jour­ney throu­gh spa­ce will begin as eve­ryo­ne boards a star­ship and departs toge­ther for a mul­ti-day Star Wars adven­tu­re. Today, Cha­pek announ­ced it will be seam­les­sly con­nec­ted to Star Wars: Gala­xy’s Edge at Disney’s Hol­ly­wood Stu­dios.

Cha­pek also shared details on Star Wars: Gala­xy’s Edge as it comes to life at both Disney­land Resort and Walt Disney World Resort. Fans caught a glimp­se of the Mil­len­nium Fal­con and an impres­si­ve fleet of life-size X‑wing star fighters, which are being crea­ted for the ope­ning of the­se jaw-drop­ping new lands. Ima­gi­neers are pushing the boun­da­ries of wha­t’s pos­si­ble as they pre­pa­re to pla­ce fans in the midd­le of the action whe­re they can live their own Star Wars sto­ries next year.

Twen­ty Years of Pixar
For 20 years, Pixar has enter­tai­ned guests at Disney parks all over the world – from the intro­duc­tion of It’s Tou­gh to be a Bug! and Buzz Lightyea­r’s Spa­ce Ran­ger Spin at Walt Disney World in 1998, to Cars Land at Disney Cali­for­nia Adven­tu­re in 2012 – Pixa­r’s ico­nic sto­ry­tel­ling has been a long-time favo­ri­te.

This year will sure­ly be the “Year of Pixar” at Disney parks, with Toy Sto­ry Land ope­ning at Shan­ghai Disney Resort in April, and at Walt Disney World Resort this sum­mer. Today, fans were thril­led to learn the highly-anti­ci­pa­ted Pixar Pier will open at Disney Cali­for­nia Adven­tu­re on June 23, inclu­ding the Incre­di­coa­ster and a futu­re attrac­tion the­med to Disney•Pixar’s “Insi­de Out.” Fans also lear­ned that a new Incre­di­bles float will join Paint the Night this June. The popu­lar para­de returns to the Disney­land Resort – this time to Disney Cali­for­nia Adven­tu­re – when Pixar Fest laun­ches on April 13.

Just in time for the 20th Anni­ver­sa­ry of Disney’s Ani­mal King­dom, fans also lear­ned that a new, fami­ly-friend­ly show will debut April 22, fea­tu­ring Rus­sell and Dug from Disney•Pixar’s “Up,” as they disco­ver spe­cies of birds from around the world.

Cele­bra­ting Clas­sic Disney Sto­ries
Soon, fans will be able to cele­bra­te the mou­se that star­ted it all when Mic­key & Min­nie’s Runa­way Rail­way opens in 2019 at Disney’s Hol­ly­wood Stu­dios. The fir­st-ever ride-throu­gh attrac­tion the­med to Mic­key Mou­se will fea­tu­re a new ori­gi­nal sto­ry and lova­ble the­me song as it takes guests on a jour­ney insi­de the wac­ky and unpre­dic­ta­ble world of Disney Chan­ne­l’s Emmy Award-win­ning “Mic­key Mou­se” car­toon shorts using new tech­no­lo­gies that tran­sform the two-dimen­sio­nal car­toon world into an incre­di­ble mul­ti-dimen­sio­nal expe­rien­ce.

Even More Disney Magic Coming to Japan
Cha­pek shared that star­ting next year, Adven­tu­res by Disney will take guests to the beau­ti­ful and sto­ried coun­try of Japan. Guests are also exci­ted about the new expe­rien­ces coming to Tokyo Disney Resort as part of the big­ge­st expan­sion sin­ce the ope­ning of Tokyo Disney­Sea. The fir­st-ever attrac­tion inspi­red by “Big Hero 6” is coming to Tomor­ro­w­land at Tokyo Disney­land, whe­re guests will ride around with Bay­max. The­re will also be an enti­re­ly new area in Fan­ta­sy­land the­med to “Beau­ty and the Bea­st,” with an attrac­tion set to the award-win­ning music guests know and love. The Fan­ta­sy­land expan­sion will also inclu­de the fir­st full-sca­le, live enter­tain­ment thea­tre at Tokyo Disney­land, and Toon­to­wn will see a new desi­gn stu­dio whe­re guests can meet the one-and-only Min­nie Mou­se. At Tokyo Disney­Sea, guests will soon be able to expe­rien­ce a ver­sion of Soa­rin’, one of the most popu­lar attrac­tions across all Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.

With so much under­way, Disney Parks all over the world con­ti­nue to ele­va­te the gue­st expe­rien­ce with one-of-a-kind attrac­tions, lands, enter­tain­ment and lod­ging. For more infor­ma­tion, plea­se visit http://aboutdisneyparks.com.

About Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts are whe­re dreams come true. More than six­ty years ago, Walt Disney crea­ted a new kind of enter­tain­ment fami­lies could expe­rien­ce toge­ther, immer­sed in detai­led atmo­sphe­res and vibrant sto­ry­tel­ling. His vision now inclu­des a col­lec­tion of six of the worl­d’s lea­ding fami­ly vaca­tion desti­na­tions – Disney­land Resort, Ana­heim, Calif.; Walt Disney World Resort, Lake Bue­na Vista, Fla.; Tokyo Disney Resort, Ura­ya­su, Chi­ba, Japan; Disney­land Paris, Mar­ne-la-Val­lée, Fran­ce; Hong Kong Disney­land Resort, loca­ted on Lan­tau Island; and Shan­ghai Disney Resort, Pudong New District, Shan­ghai, Chi­na. In addi­tion, Walt Disney Parksand Resorts inclu­des the world-class Disney Crui­se Line; Disney Vaca­tion Club; Aula­ni, A Disney Resort and Spa; Adven­tu­res by Disney, a gui­ded group vaca­tion expe­rien­ce to some of the worl­d’s most popu­lar desti­na­tions; and Walt Disney Ima­gi­nee­ring, which crea­tes and desi­gns all Disney parks, resorts and attrac­tions.

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